Policemen who observed stoning of 17 year old Kurdish girl will not be prosecuted








According to a CNN report the policemen who were present at the time of stoning to death of the 17 year old Kurdish girl will not be prosecuted based on the claim that the crowd was too large to do anything. This is despite the fact in the video they did not even seem to make slightest attempt to mediate or stop the stoning.

10 men were accused of the crime, 4 of which have been arrested and 6 have fled. The primary person accused of initiating the stoning is the girl’s cousin.  Doa was stoned becuase she was in love with Muslim boy while she was from a different Yezidi sect who are not supposed to marry outside their faith.  Following the incident, Sunni Muslims have killed 32 Yezidi men in retaliation.  

A Kurdish website is dedicated to Doa and other Kurdish victims of “Honour Killing” at : http://dua.kurdistan4all.com/ with articles and links in different languages at : http://dua.kurdistan4all.com/article.htm

Over 5000 women and girls , some under 18, are killed every year by family members in so-called ‘honour killings’, according to the UN. These crimes occur where cultures believe that a woman’s unsanctioned sexual behaviour brings such shame on the family that any female accused or suspected must be murdered. Reasons for these murders can be as trivial as talking to a man, or as innocent as suffering rape.



alt : http://www.youtube.com/v/BeWbZOl0Wyw