Former French embassador to Iran signs petition after roundtable with Nazanin on French TV

 Nazanin Afshin-Jam had a roundtable discussion about Iran on France’s largest TV news station LCI with former Ambassador of France to Iran Francois Nicoullaud – an author/economist, Thierry Coville – author and  former assistant at the French Research Institute in Iran ,  and Jean-Pierre Montanay the film director who made the recent documentary about Nazanin Fatehi in Iran. Following the program, François Nicoullaud signed the petition to Stop Child Executions in Iran.

Follwoing the program Mr.  Francois Nicoullaud signed the petition demanding an end to Child Executions in Iran.

6414. Francois Nicoullaud France

 Nazanin Afshin-Jam and SCE campaign appreciate Mr. Nicoullaud’s support of the Stop Child Executions Campaign.

François Nicoullaud was the French ambassador to Iran from 2001 to July, 2005.  After the end of his mission has published a book in France called “The turban and the rose”, in which he strongly critisized the regime in Iran. In a segment of his book, Nicoullaud, the Egyptian-born French politician wrote that the rulers of Iran are violent and rude individuals whose motivation for their election are deceptive and based on hidden costs and that the government of Iran is a Stalinist system. He has also written that the regime of Tehran does pursue nuclear weapons and they will ultimately get their hands on them