News of children facing executions” is not interesting”

Stop Child Executions, Attorney Mohammad Mostafaei and few other human rights activists occasionally email the news related to child executions to a mailing list of media and human right organizations.

Kayhan Newspaper which is the semi-official supporters of the Islamic regime in Iran, is among the media receipiants of such emails. In response to receiving the news of recent approval of an Iranian juvenile (Hossein) , the editor of Kayhan newspaper sent the following response today:


Subject: RE: Hossein’s execution verdict was approved
Please do not send mail to me, your news is not interesting to me.

Here is the short response to Kayhan newspaper by SCE:

From: Stop Child Executions
Subject: RE: Hossein’s execution verdict was approved

To: Editor of Kayham Newspaper
As a news media you have the responsibility of publishing the news and the truth regardless of being  “interesting” or not!  135 Iranian juveniles are awaiting executions. No country in the world has such statistics! Iran is the only country who has executed 8 juveniles in 2008.  Yes “it is not interesting” but is shameful for the country and nation of Iran that Kayhan (newspaper) only acts as the loudspeaker of the government and you find the truth ”not interesting” !

You can email your views on the subject to  . Please copy SCE on your emails (

Copy of original email :
Subject: RE: حکم اعدام حسین نوجوان تایید شد

Lotfan baraye man mail naferestid,akhbare shoma baraye man jaleb nist

From: Stop Child Executions
Subject: RE: حکم اعدام حسین نوجوان تایید شد

Be Sardabir roozanameh Keyhan :

Shoma yek organ khabari hastid va masooliat darid ke akhbar va hgahyegh ra darj konid va in be “jaleb” boodan rabti nadarad! 135 nojvan Irani dar entezar edam hastand. Hich keshvar dar donya in aamaar raa nadarad ! Iran tanha keshvarist ke 8 nojavan ra dar sale 2008 edam kardeh . Ari “Jaleb nist” balkeh maayeh sharm melat va keshvar Iran ast keh shoma dar Keyhan faghat bolandgooyeh dolat hastid va haghayegh barayetan “jaleb” nist!