Tag Archives: Campaign Support

More support for SCE Campaign by human rights advocates

Stop Child Executions Campaign continues to gain support among Human Rights organizations, writers, artists and advocates. Nazanin Afshin-Jam and SCE campaign thank Miss Neda Shahidyazdani (USA) and Mr. Tarek Fateh (Canada) for their support of the campaign to end child executions:

6375. Neda Shahidyazdani USA Human Rights Lawyer

Ms. Shahidyazdani is an Iranian human rights lawyer at the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center where she helped to author a recently released report on the persecution of the Bahá’í religious minority in Iran. Her professional work has also concentrated on the rights of minorities. Ms. Shahidyazdani has assisted with projects at Human Rights First and the Center for International Law at New York Law School.   

6409. Tarek Fatah Canada Founder, Muslim Canadian Congress

Tarek Fatah is a secular Muslim Canadian political activist, writer and TV host. Founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress , Fatah’s advocates separation of religion and state in Isalic countries, opposition to Sharia law, and promotes what he calls a “progressive” form of Islam 

Born in Karachi, Pakistan, Fatah a student at the time was imprisoned under military governments and charged with sedition. A biochemist by training, Fatah entered journalism as a reporter for the Karachi Sun in 1970, and went on to become an investigative journalist for Pakistani television. He was fired after the coup that brought General Zia ul-Haq to power, and fled to Saudi Arabia, where he lived for a decade. In 1987, he emigrated to Canada and settled in Toronto.  He is host of the Muslim Chronicle TV show since 1996, which airs Saturday nights on CTS-TV. Tarek is also a frequent guest on many TV shows and has written for the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail and TIME Magazine.

After receiving a series of death threats by Muslim extremists, in August 2006 Tarek Fatah resigned as the director of the Muslim Canadian Congress, severing all official ties with the organization he helped found. “It’s not just for me. It’s for my wife and my daughters” He said.

Fatah is the author of Chasing a Mirage: The Islamic State or a State of Islam, to be published in 2008.

Iraqi feminist signs petition to save Delara Darabi

14908. Yanar Mohamad President Editor-in-chef of Al Mosawat/President of organization Women’s Freedom in Iraq

Yanar Mohamad signed the petition to save Delara Darabi from execution. She is the head of the Organisation of Women’s Freedom in Iraq (OWFI), is a renowned activist, and highly regarded in the world today for her brave efforts in defending women’s rights in Iraq. She and the OWFI have been at the forefront of raising Iraqi women’s awareness of their rights, fighting for an egalitarian secular state and full equality for women, as well as advocating for the separation of religion from the state and educational system which is a precondition for guaranteeing women’s rights in Iraq.

Nazanin Afshin-Jam and SCE Campaign thank Ms. Mohamad for joining the campaign to save Delara Darabi. 

Nealy 15,000 have signed Delara’s petition to date.   

Muslim Project Ijtihad Supports Petition to Stop Child Executions

6306. Raquel Evita Saraswati USA Executive Director, Project Ijtihad

We, the reform-minded Muslims of Project Ijtihad, believe that faith is a journey.  If it becomes a destination, it becomes dogma.  That is what Islam has become in the official circles of Iran: a dangerous and dignity-killing dogma. We know there are reformist Muslims in Iran, some of them theologians, and with this prayer we ask all Muslims of conscience and courage to speak out against child executions now: 

Allah, it is you who has given us the power of conscience, the blessing of intellect and the command to seek truth. These gifts are the makings of ijtihad, Islam’s tradition of critical thinking. It is a tradition that bestows on all of us the responsibility to speak our minds freely for the sake of justice. And nobody needs justice more than those who cannot speak for themselves – children. The Qu’ran tells us that “God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves” (13:11).  This is a call to speak truth to power.  As faithful Muslims, we honor your call.  As reform-minded Muslims, we will not be silent.  Let us demonstrate our faith, today and forever, on behalf of all your creatures.  Ameen 

Irshad Manji, Muslim author activist, asks Muslims to speak out against child executions

Muslim writer and activist IRSHAD MANJI signed the petition to Stop Child Executions in Iran. In a letter to Nazanin Afshin Jam she wrote : “I’m attaching a “prayer” from the reform-minded Muslims of Project Ijtihad, asking all Muslims of conscience and compassion to speak out against children executions now.”

Nazanin Afshin-Jam and SCE Campaign greatly appreciate Ms. Irashad Manji’s and project Ijtihad’s support of the campagin to stop child executions.

6304. Irshad Manji Canada Author and Founder, Project Ijtihad

About Irshad Manji:  Irshad is a Canadian feminist Muslim, author, journalist, and activist. She is a well-known critic of radical Islam and orthodox interpretations of the Qur’an, calling herself a “Muslim refusenik”. The New York Times has dubbed Irshad Manji “Osama Bin Laden’s worst nightmare.” She takes that as a compliment. Irshad is the best-selling author of The The Trouble with Islam Today : A Muslim’s Call for Reform in Her Faith. The book has been published in 25 languages. In those countries that have banned her book, she is reaching readers by posting free translations in Arabic, Urdu, and Persian on her website at http://www.muslim-refusenik.com. Irshad Manji also maintains a myspace website. 

Irshad also travels the globe to lecture about the liberal reformation of Islam. Her audiences include Amnesty International, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the United Nations Press Corps, the Democratic Muslims of Denmark, the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, the International Women’s Forum, the Swedish Defense Research Agency, the Pentagon, the Jean Jacques Rousseau Institute, and universities from Cambridge to Notre Dame. Currently, Irshad is a Senior Fellow with the European Foundation for Democracy. She writes columns that are distributed worldwide by the New York Times Syndicate. She is also making a feature film about Islam. Among the ideas it will showcase is “ijtihad,” Islam’s lost tradition of independent thinking. has appeared on numerous television networks worldwide. US PBS Television network recently broadcasted a documentary by Irshad Manji titled: Faith without fear.  

As a social entrepreneur, Irshad has launched Project Ijtihad, an initiative to develop the world’s first leadership network for reform-minded Muslims. In that capacity, she was recently named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. Oprah Winfrey honored Irshad with the first annual Chutzpah Award for “audacity, nerve, boldness and conviction.” Ms. magazine chose Irshad as a “Feminist for the 21st Century.” Maclean’s, Canada’s national news magazine, selected her one of ten “Canadians Who Make a Difference.” And the Jakarta Post in Indonesia — the world’s largest Muslim country — identified Irshad as one of three women creating a positive change in Islam today.

Growing support of SCE Campaign in Europe




6165. May Hansen Norway MP



5546. Jan Ericson Sweden Member of Parliament (m)
5553. Rolf K Nilsson Sweden MP
5579. Tomas Tobé Sweden Member of Parliament
5582. Maria Östberg Svanelind Sweden Member of Parliament
5593. Inger René Sweden Mp
5664. Ewa Thalén Finné Sweden MP
5696. Walburga Habsburg Douglas Sweden MP
5698. Mats G Nilsson Sweden Member of Parliament
5756. Peter Radberg Sweden Member of parliament
5906. Göran Montan Sweden MP





5702. Lars Holmgren Sweden Save the Children
5701. jennie Bohman Sweden Save the children
5700. Annika Karlsson Sweden Save the children
5712. Åsa Pedersen Sweden Save the Children Sweden Regional Office Göteborg
5740. Yvonne Enochsson Sweden Save The Children, Sweden



Signatures Per Month:

Month Signatures
2007.03 1323
2007.04 1646
2007.05 3180

Former political prisoner supporting petition to stop child executions

Among the growing supporters of the Stop Child Executions who have signed the SCE petition is AmirAbbas Fakhravar , journalist, author and former political prisoner of conscious in Iran.

Nazanin Afshin-Jam and SCE campaign apprecaite Mr. Fakhravr’s’ support of the Stop Child Executions campaign.

AmirAbbas Fakhravarامیر عباس فخرآور )  is an Iranian writer, activist and former journalist for the now banned pro-reform daily newspapers. While in Iran he called for constitutional referendum to rescind the powers of the Supreme Leader and Council of Guardians. After prior imprisonments on new years eve of 2000, AmirAbbas was taken from his home to the Evin prison and tortured heavily until he had to be transferred to hospital in Tehran for emergency treatment.  Fakhravar had been imprisoned in Iran for his political activism 19 times, with his first experience at the age of 17, when he was still in high school.

Fakhravar entered United Stated in April 2006. Since then he has met president Bush, many others in US government and also has testified in the US congress. Fakhravar is the founder of the Iranian Freedom Movement and is also the chairman of the Independent student movement.

AmirAbbas Fakhravar while in prison.

Josefina Lopez, award wining screenwriter supports the SCE petition

Josefina Lopez playwriter and co-screenwriter of the award-winning film, Real Women Have Curves signed the Stop Child Executions Petition. Nazanin Afshin-Jam and SCE Campaign wish to thank Ms. Lopez for her support of the Campaign to Stop Child Executions.

About Josefina Lopez: Having had over 100 productions of her plays throughout the United States, Josefina Lopez is one of today’s preeminent Chicana writers. She has written several plays such as Simply Maria, Or the American Dream; Confessions of Women From East L.A.; Boyle Heights; Lola Goes To Roma; Food For The Dead; Unconquered Spirits; Queen of the Rumba and Real Women Have Curves. She is the co-screenwriter of the movie version of her play Real Women Have Curves, The movie garnered much acclaim, including at the 2002 Sundance Film Festival where the film won the “Audience Award” and a “Special Jury Award for Acting.” Josefina has written several other screenplays including Loteria for Juarez about the mysterious murders of women in the Mexico/US border town of Ciudad Juarez; Josefina has won several awards including a Gabriel Garcia Marquez award from L.A. Mayor in 2003. She was also recognized by the WGA as the cover story for the December 2002/January 2003 issue of the prestigious Writers’ Guild magazine “Written By,” entitled “Real Writers Have Courage.” Josefina and cowriter George LaVoo won the “Humanitas Award for Screenwriting” for Real Women Have Curves. She was awarded a Screenwriting Fellowship by the California Arts Council for 2001 and in 1988 she was recognized by California Senator Barbara Boxer as a “woman who has made history in the entertainment industry.” 

5865. Josefina Lopez U.S.A. Screenwriter/author

Mehrnagiz Kar, Iranian human right activist signs the Stop Child Executions Petition

Prominent Iranian lawyer, human right activist and author, Mehrangiz Kar (مهرانگیز کار )who was jailed in April 2000 for her writings and speeches on women’s rights , has signed the petition to Stop Child Executions in Iran. Mrs’ Kar met Nazanin Afshin-Jam last week in New Jersey. 

Mehrangiz Kar is Recipient of many human rights awards such as: Annual Human Rights First Award, Ludovic Trarieux International Human Rights Prize (France) , Democracy Award of the National Endowment for Democracy (U.S.),  Hellman/Hammett Grant from Human Rights Watch.

Nazanin  Afshin-Jam and SCE Campaign thank Mrs. Kar’s for her support of the Stop Child Executions Campaign and petition.    

About Mehrangiz Kar:  On April 30, 2000, the Islamic Republic of Iran imprisoned Mehrangiz Kar and other activists and intellectuals such as Akbar Ganji because they had participated in a conference on the future of Iran held in Berlin, Germany. She was denied access to her lawyer and was not allowed to receive medicines during her nearly two months in solitary confinement. She was charged with “acting against the internal security of the state and disparaging the sacred order of the Islamic Republic.” Two charges were filed against her in the Islamic Revolutionary Court– acting against national security and disseminating propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran– and three additional charges in Iran’s Public Court– violating the observance of hejab, denying the Islamic instructions stated in the Qu’ran, and insulting Islam. 

On June 21, 2000 Mehrangiz Kar was freed on $60,000 bail. Having been diagnosed with breast cancer, Ms. Kar appealed to authorities to be allowed to seek medical care in Netherlands and United States. Denied this humanitarian relief, Ms. Kar underwent a mastectomy and a regimen of chemotherapy of Iran. Almost concurrent with her medical treatment, her case went to trial. In January 2001, the Islamic Revolutionary Court sentenced Mehrangiz Kar to four year’s imprisonment which was considered completed in exchange for money. The three charges against her in Iran’s Public Court are still open, for which she may again be arrested upon her return.

5896. Mehrangiz Kar USA Writer

Former Iranian MP signs Stop Child Executions Petition

Human Rights Advocate and former member of Iran’s parliament , Fatemeh Haghighatjoo signed the Petition to stop child executions in Iran. In an email , Ms. Haghighatjoo also thanked Nazanin Afshin-Jam for her “unique efforts of human rights”.

Nazanin Afshin-Jam and SCE Campaign  thank Dr. Haghighatjoo for her support of the Campaign to  permanently end child executions in Iran.

Fatemeh Haghighatjou, (فاطمه حقیقت‌جو) was a reformist member of the Iranian Parliament until February 2004. While in parliament she challenged and criticized the hardliners as well as the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. She was the first to resign when the anti-reform measures of the Supreme Leader began to take shape. Her resignation was followed by few other pro-reform MP’s.  In 2001, Ms. Haghighatjoo was sentenced to 20 months in prison, for “inciting public opinion and insulting the judiciary”. Her sentence—which she terms illegitimate and undemocratic, and which she has not served yet—was later reduced to 10 months. In 2005 Haghighatjoo was a fellow at MIT’s Center for International Relations. She is currently a fellow at Harvard University’s Women and Public Policy Program. 

PHOTO: Nazanin Afshin-Jam and
Fatemeh Haghighatjoo at Rutgers University
5840. Dr. Fatemeh Haghighatjoo Iran Fellow at Harvard

Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi signed Stop Child Executions Petition

” When a 16 year old child commits a crime, they issue the death sentence. They keep the child until s/he is over 18 and then proceed with the execution. In reality this is a multiple torture. Assume being someone who everyday has to turn the pages of the calendar to see when you are 18 years old to be killed. This multiple torture that is committed by Government of Iran in reality is an extreme and repeated violation of human rights”

Shirin Ebadi – March 2007 interview with Radio Deutsche Welle

Last week Nazanin Afshin-Jam and the Iranian Nobel Prize Laureate 2003, Shirin Ebadi participated in a panel discussion on women and human rights in the Middle East at Rutgers University in New Jersey.

At this meeting, Ms. Ebadi recognized the work and dedication of Nazanin Afshin-Jam and the Stop Child Executions campaign and extended her support by signing the petition to put a permanent end to executions of minors in Iran.

Shirin Ebadi (شیرین عبادیi) s an Iranian lawyer, human rights activist and founder of Children’s Rights Support Association in Iran. Ms. Ebadi also is also one of the initiaters of the One Million Signature Campaign in Iran which has a goal of equal rights for Iranian women. Nazanin Afshin-Jam and the SCE Campaign thank Ms. Ebadi for her support of the campaign to Stop Child Executions in Iran. 

5805. Shirin Ebadi Iran Lawyer, Human rights activist