Iran executes 2 Afghani children, 17 more to be executed

According to BBC NEWS (Persian), the parliament of Afghanistan announced their concern about Afghani children facing execution in Iran and asked Afghan government to resolve this issue with Islamic regime in Iran through it’s diplomatic channels. Afghan members of parliament complained that regime of Iran’s actions are in violation of the international children rights conventions. 

Additionally independent human rights commission of Afghanistan reported that there were initially 19 Afghani children on the execution row, however two of them were recently executed. Commission official Farid Hamidy stated that these children were smuggled to Iran with fake passports and were accused of drug trafficking. The children are being kept imprisoned until they grow to the age of 18 and then executed.

Stop Child Executions Campaign has contacted Independent Human Rights Commission of Afghanistan for more documents and names of the 17 Afghani children facing execution in Iran as well as name and information of the two who were recently executed.

Based on this news the recorded number of children facing execution in Iran jumps from 80 to 97 and the number of children executed in 2007 in Iran are increased from 2 to 4.

Nazanin Afshin-Jam and SCE campaign strongly condemn the Shocking execution of 2 Afghani children and demand an immediate halt to the execution of the remaining 17 Afghani Children. We additionally extend an offer to assist the human rights activists, organizations, government and parliament of Afghanistan with all our resources in order to stop the execution of imprisonsed Afghani Children in Iran. 

Source : BBC Persian